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Overview of BeVision Series | Precision in Particle Vision

BeVision Series is particle size and shape analyzers which can help you understand the physical properties of raw materials by measuring the particle size and shape. It offers 24 different particle size and shape distribution information which allows for comprehensive and reliable characterization of the sample material. It can often be used to cross-validate particle sizing methods such as laser diffraction. In the following weeks, we will upload videos on these state-of-the-art instruments. Stay tuned! Watch BeVision S1 Operation Video: https://youtu.be/Da1KKloswWc Watch BeVision M1 Operation Video: https://youtu.be/fY8jl8Mgzb4 Watch Fundamentals of BeVision Series: https://youtu.be/f89DNi_xVsc Product info: https://www.bettersizeinstruments.com...

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