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BeNano 180 Zeta Pro | Demo (Polystyrene Latex Sample)

We are glad to have you onboard at Bettersize Lab! In this video, we demonstrated sample testing using the world's most sophisticated nanoparticle size and zeta potential analyzer for quantifying an extensive range of sample types and concentrations BeNano 180 Zeta Pro. We used Polystyrene Latex as the testing sample to demonstrate the capabilities of BeNano 180 Zeta Pro for particle size and zeta potential analysis to measure PSD and evaluate the stability of the sample. We offer a FREE demonstration of our nanoparticle particle size and zeta potential analyzer - BeNano 180 Zeta Pro. Book a free demonstration before February 21st and get 10 free sample cells plus a 2-year warranty; our best available special offer. Book your FREE demo today! Watch BeNano 180 Zeta Pro Launch Event: https://youtu.be/gDQMsYFzTJs Product info: https://www.bettersizeinstruments.com...

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