- ● Introduction
- ● Powder Characteristics Tester
The macroscopic physical properties of bulk powder, such as flowability, bulk density, and compressibility, are related to important industrial activities such as powder packing, transport, and dispensing. Therefore, knowledge of these properties is a crucial factor in powder manufacturing, processing, and packaging, as well as in the transport, storage, and application of these materials.
We offer the PowderPro A1 powder characteristics tester for fully automated and precise measurement. Test items of PowderPro A1 include the angle of repose, the angle of fall, the angle of spatula (flat plate angle), bulk and tapped densities, dispersibility, voidage and cohesion, the angle of difference, compressibility, uniformity, flowability index, floodability index, and sieve size.
The norm-compliant determination of the bulk density, as well as the flowability of powders, is carried out with the BeDensi series.
Powder Characteristics Tester

BeDensi T Pro Series
Tapped Density Tester with a Wallet-Friendly Solution
Number of Workstations: 1-3
Tapping Speed: 100 - 300 taps/min
Repeatability: ≤1% variation

PowderPro A1
Automatic Powder Characteristics Tester
Operation Mode: Automatic
Tapping Speed: 50 - 300 taps/min
Repeatability: ≤3% variation

PowderPro M1
Manual Powder Characteristics Tester
Operation Mode: Manual
Tapping Speed: 250 taps/min
Repeatability: ≤5% variation

BetterPyc 380
Gas Pycnometer
Technology: Gas Displacement Method
Temperature Range: 15 - 55 ℃
Resolution: 0.0001 g/cm³