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BeVision M1

The BeVision M1 is an automated image scanning system, particularly suitable for the cleanliness analysis of particulates on filters. Equipped with a metallurgical microscope, programmable motorized stage, auto-focus function, and high-resolution CMOS, the BeVision M1 can capture and recognize each individual particle, automatically stitching the images to a large overview image.

Features and Benefits

  • Measurement range: 1 - 10,000 µm
  • Results in compliance with ISO 9276-6
  • Highly reproducible measurements
  • A high-speed CCD camera
  • Powerful software eases your work
  • Automatic sample stage with high position accuracy
  • 24 different particle size and shape parameters
  • A key part of surface cleanliness measurements


Overview of BeVision Series | Precision in Particle Vision Video play

How to Install and Operate BeVision M1 Video stop

What is Image Analysis? Fundamentals of BeVision Series Video stop


•Why Image Analysis Method?


Capture an image of particles, identify particles, then measure their size and shape. Every step of image analysis is easy and clear.


Shape analysis
Based on a direct view of particles, it is possible to analyze not only the size of particles, but also their shape. 


Seeing is believing
The image analysis method determines the size and shape of every individual particle and then sums it up to form a statistic. Details of particle size or shape distribution can be accurately provided.


•Why Static Image Analysis Method?


Clear vision
In static image analyzers, precision microscopes and high-resolution cameras are specialized for high - quality particle images. 


Undersized particle sensitivity
The static image analysis method is sensitive to undersized particles; it is even possible to estimate the size of undersized particles.


Small sample volume
The static image analysis method requires a small volume of samples. A few drops of emulsions or a few micrograms of powders are enough to do a measurement.


•Efficient Scanning Mode and Limit - breaking Panoramic Mode


Scanning Mode 
The workflow of the BeVision M1 scanning mode is to capture an image first, then analyze the image while moving the stage, capture the next image once the stage has reached a new position, and repeat.
The BeVision software will display real-time results during the scanning process. The scanning mode is widely welcomed in different industries with its efficiency and reliability.


BeVision M1 scanning mode


Efficient and reliable scanning mode 
Compared with the manual test, the automatic scanning process improves the test efficiency, doing the image capturing and stage moving simultaneously pushes the efficiency to the next level. The efficient scanning mode analyzes many particles in one test, thus strengthening the statistical significance of the result. 


Efficient and reliable scanning mode


Panoramic Mode 
The panoramic mode is to stitch separate images into a panorama before analysis. 
With a panorama, it is easy to measure the total number of particles in the region and the size and shape of every particle, even if the particle is an oversized one. The accurate particle number is of vital importance to different industries, e.g., the automotive industry and the pharmaceutical industry. 


A combination of macro vision with micro details 
Panoramas produced by the BeVision M1 records all particles dispersed in a millimeter-level region and keeps their shape details. A clear panorama helps to accurately count particles in the macro-region and analyze the size and shape of particles, without any leftovers.


BeVision M1 Panoramic Mode


•Particle Size and Shape Parameters:


Size parameters
Equivalent diameters: area-equivalent diameter、perimeter-equivalent diameter; Feret diameters: maximum and minimum Feret diameters,  XLF ("length") 
Martin diameters: maximum and minimum Martin diameters; Legendre ellipse: major and minor axe


BeVision M1 Size parameters


Shape parameters
Size difference in 2 directions: aspect ratio、L/W ratio、ellipse ratio; Round-likeness and rectangle-likeness: Circularity、irregularity、compactness、extent、box ratio
Contour concavity: Concavity、convexity、solidity; For elongated particles: Elongation、straightness

 BeVision M1 Shape parameters

•BeVision Software: Visualized Insights for You:

BeVision M1 software


•Typical Applications:

BeVision M1 applications

Curated Resources

  • Guidebook
    Image analysis, particle parameters guidebook


    A Guide to Particle Size and Shape Parameters By Image Analysis


More resources

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