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What are the differences between online particle size analyzers and particle size analyzers in the laboratory?


An online particle size analyzer is an apparatus integrated into a process loop, while a particle size analyzer in the laboratory is a separate unit with a specific sample circulation and dispersion system. The differences between them are listed below.


Properties/Instruments Online particle size analyzer Laboratory particle size analyzer
Timeliness Real-time monitoring and control to ensure the product quality. Delayed measurement and delayed feedback to operators.
Sample Preparation Automatic sampling, sample dispersion, and sample return without waste. Manual sampling, sample preparation, and sample dispersion with waste.
Automation Fully automatic unattended measurement. Manual sample preparation and sample addition.
Measurement Precision Measurement precision is affected by a bad working environment, so the location of the analyzer is critical to the performance when assessing the optimum installation point. The optical structure also influences measurement precision. Measurement precision can be higher due to its well-designed optical and analysis system.





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